Submissions are now open! Deadline for applicants is Monday, April 10th, 2017 and can be submitted via e-mail at [email protected].
Earth Day Texas seeks applications from veterans, primary and secondary school students, civic organizations and non-profits for EARTHxPitch. This competition awards cash prizes in recognition of important projects and efforts towards conservation, sustainability and environmental education.
EARTHxPitch features four main divisions: Academic, Non-Profit, Civic Organizations and Veterans.
Only registered exhibitors for EDTx 2017 may submit a proposal for consideration. Click here to see the progress last year’s awardees have made in our community!
The academic division awards cash prizes to primary & secondary accredited schools and 501(c)(3) education organizations for important projects and campus efforts towards conservation, sustainability, and environmental education. All EDTx 2017 registered exhibitors that comply are invited to submit a proposal for consideration.
Judges will look for projects that have a positive environmental impact in the community or on campus within one or more of the following focus areas: outdoor learning, healthy lifestyles, conservation & community cleanup and environmental education.
Primary & Secondary school groups and educational non-profits that are registered to exhibit at Earth Day Texas 2017 and are seeking funding for new or existing sustainability and/or environmental education initiatives may submit proposals to [email protected]. Deadline for submission is Monday, April 10, 2017.
Submissions are limited to five pages and must be formatted as follows:
Page 1: Description of Organization.
• Organization name, address, phone number, and website;
• Primary contact name, phone number, e-mail address and title;
• Organization short bio and mission;
• Description of existing initiatives and geographical location of impact;
• Name of Earth Day Texas Business Development Associate with whom you registered to exhibit at Earth Day Texas 2017 (or state “online registration”).
Page 2: Targeted Environmental Issue.
Please describe the main environmental education or sustainability education issue the funding you are applying for aims to address and include the following support information:
• Facts, figures and statistics;
• Main factors contributing to the issue;
• Consequences of leaving the issue unaddressed;
• Other groups that are currently working to address the issue.
Page 3: Targeted Environmental Solution.
Please describe your organization’s strategy to help solve the issue and include the following support information:
• Unique attributes of your solution/work;
• Use of proceeds;
• Project length (if not perpetual);
• Project cost or recurring annual cost;
• Additional phases of project (if any).
Page 4: Tracking the Solution.
Please describe your organization’s methodology for tracking progress on the issue and include the following support information:
• Progress (goal) that funding will help you achieve in the next twelve months;
• Key metrics that will be followed to monitor progress;
• Methodology for monitoring and reporting progress;
• Any obstacles (internal and external) that could potentially stand in the way of achieving the 12-month goal.
Page 5: Environmental Impact.
Please describe your organization’s project or initiative’s main environmental impact (please write “not applicable” if there is no clear connection):
• Education: Is there an educational benefit that can be shared with residents of the city?
• Health Lifestyle: Is there a benefit to public health associated with the project?
• Scalability & Scope: Is the project addressing an issue that is relevant nationally or internationally? How great is the potential for national or global impact?
• Outdoor Learning: Is the project addressing the need for more outdoor educational opportunities?
• Conservation: Is the project addressing an issue associated with conservation of resources in the city? Can that message be shared with residents of the city?
• Community cleanup: Is the project addressing the city’s need to clean up and/or improve an area’s aesthetics.
This pitch competition awards cash prizes for conservation, sustainability, and environmental education projects. Charitable 501(c)(3) organizations that have registered for EDTx 2017 are invited to submit a proposal.
Judges look for projects that have a positive environmental impact in the community in one or more of the following areas: outdoor learning, healthy lifestyles, conservation and community cleanup, and environmental education.
Primary & Secondary school groups and educational non-profits that are registered to exhibit at Earth Day Texas 2017 and are seeking funding for new or existing sustainability and/or environmental education initiatives may submit proposals to [email protected]. Deadline for submission is Monday, April 10, 2017.
Submissions are limited to five pages and must be formatted as follows:
Page 1: Description of Organization.
• Organization name, address, phone number, and website;
• Enclose evidence of nonprofit classification: IRS Letter of Determination regarding 501(c)(3);
• Primary contact name, phone number, e-mail address and title;
• Organization short bio and mission;
• Description of existing initiatives and geographical location of impact;
• Name of Earth Day Texas Business Development Associate with whom you registered to exhibit at Earth Day Texas 2017 (or state “online registration”).
Page 2: Targeted Environmental Issue.
Please describe the main environmental education or sustainability education issue the funding you are applying for aims to address and include the following support information:
• Facts, figures and statistics;
• Main factors contributing to the issue;
• Consequences of leaving the issue unaddressed;
• Other groups that are currently working to address the issue.
Page 3: Targeted Environmental Solution.
Please describe your organization’s strategy to help solve the issue and include the following support information:
• Unique attributes of your solution/work;
• Use of proceeds;
• Project length (if not perpetual);
• Project cost or recurring annual cost;
• Additional phases of project (if any).
Page 4: Tracking the Solution.
Please describe your organization’s methodology for tracking progress on the issue and include the following support information:
• Progress (goal) that funding will help you achieve in the next twelve months;
• Key metrics that will be followed to monitor progress;
• Methodology for monitoring and reporting progress;
• Any obstacles (internal and external) that could potentially stand in the way of achieving the 12-month goal.
Page 5: Environmental Impact.
Please describe your organization’s project or initiative’s main environmental impact (please write “not applicable” if there is no clear connection):
Our Pollinator Habitat Civic Grant Competition is an initiative that awards grants to cities that have made an active commitment to improving pollinator health & habitat in their community. Exhibiting cities that have signed The National Wildlife Federation’s, Mayors’ Monarch Pledge are invited to submit a proposal. Cities may participate and exhibit at no cost!
Judges will look for cities with active projects/plans that have a proactive strategy to increase pollinator habitat in the community with a related positive impact on one or more of the following focus areas: outdoor learning, healthy lifestyles, conservation & environmental education.
City governments that are registered to exhibit at Earth Day Texas 2017 and are seeking funding for new or existing pollinator habitat programs may submit proposals to [email protected]. Deadline for submission is Monday, April 10, 2017.
Video submissions are accepted, but joining us as an exhibitor is encouraged and will be considered when selecting finalists.
Submissions are limited to four pages and must be formatted as follows:
Page 1: Description of Organization.
• Organization name, address, phone number, and website
• Enclose evidence of nonprofit classification: IRS Letter of Determination regarding 501(c)(3)
• Primary contact name, phone number, e-mail address and title
• Organization short bio and mission
• Description of existing initiatives and geographical location of impact
• Name of Earth Day Texas Business Development Associate with whom you registered to exhibit at Earth Day Texas 2017 (or state “online registration”).
Page 2: Targeted Pollinator Habitat Plan.
Please describe your organization’s strategy to help solve the issue and include the following support information:
• Unique attributes of your solution/work;
• Use of proceeds
• Project length (if not perpetual)
• Project cost or recurring annual cost
• Additional phases of project (if any).
Page 3: Tracking the Solution.
Please describe your organization’s methodology for tracking progress on the issue and include the following support information:
• Progress (goal) that funding will help you achieve in the next twelve months;
• Key metrics that will be followed to monitor progress;
• Methodology for monitoring and reporting progress;
• Any obstacles (internal and external) that could potentially stand in the way of achieving the 12-month goal.
The veteran division awards cash prizes to 501(c)(3) veteran organizations for important projects and efforts towards conservation, sustainability, and environmental education. All EDTx 2017 registered exhibitors that comply are invited to submit a proposal for consideration.
Judges will look for projects that have a positive environmental impact in the community while utilizing veterans within one or more of the following focus areas: outdoor learning, healthy lifestyles, conservation & community cleanup and environmental education.
Environmental/Veterans non-profits that are registered to exhibit at Earth Day Texas 2017 and are seeking funding for new or existing sustainability and/or environmental program initiatives may submit proposals to [email protected]. Deadline for submission is Monday, April 10, 2017.
Submissions are limited to five pages and must be formatted as follows:
Page 1: Description of Organization.
• Organization name, address, phone number, and website;
• Primary contact name, phone number, e-mail address and title;
• Organization short bio and mission;
• Description of existing initiatives and geographical location of impact;
• Name of Earth Day Texas Business Development Associate with whom you registered to exhibit at Earth Day Texas 2017 (or state “online registration”).
Page 2: Targeted Environmental and Veterans Issue.
Please describe the main environmental education or sustainability education issue the funding you are applying for aims to address and include the following support information:
• Facts, figures and statistics;
• Main factors contributing to the issue;
• Consequences of leaving the issue unaddressed;
• Other groups that are currently working to address the issue.
Page 3: Targeted Environmental and Veteran Solution.
Please describe your organization’s strategy to help solve the issue and include the following support information:
• Unique attributes of your solution/work;
• Use of proceeds;
• Project length (if not perpetual);
• Project cost or recurring annual cost;
• Additional phases of project (if any).
Page 4: Tracking the Solution.
Please describe your organization’s methodology for tracking progress on the issue and include the following support information:
• Progress (goal) that funding will help you achieve in the next twelve months;
• Key metrics that will be followed to monitor progress;
• Methodology for monitoring and reporting progress;
• Any obstacles (internal and external) that could potentially stand in the way of achieving the 12-month goal.
Page 5: Environmental Impact.
Please describe your organization’s project or initiative’s main environmental impact (please write “not applicable” if there is no clear connection):
• Education: Is there an educational benefit that can be shared with residents of the city?
• Health Lifestyle: Is there a benefit to public health associated with the project?
• Scalability & Scope: Is the project addressing an issue that is relevant nationally or internationally? How great is the potential for national or global impact?
• Outdoor Learning: Is the project addressing the need for more outdoor educational opportunities?
• Conservation: Is the project addressing an issue associated with conservation of resources in the city? Can that message be shared with residents of the city?
• Community cleanup: Is the project addressing the city’s need to clean up and/or improve an area’s aesthetics.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate