EMA / EDTx Fundraiser

Celebrities for Change: An inspirational night of solutions for the future of our environment.

EDTx has partnered with the LA-based Environmental Media Association (EMA) to launch a brand new fundraising gala and film series at Earth Day Texas 2016.

EMA, pronounced “Emma,” believes that through television, film, and music, the entertainment community has the power to influence the environmental awareness of millions of people. The gala will be an exclusive ticketed event on Friday, April 22 and include appearances by celebrities who are prominent advocates of environmental causes.

“We’re so honored and excited to be partnering with Earth Day Texas and being offered the opportunity to meet this incredible new community. Bringing a little bit of Hollywood to your great State to share our mutual passion for sustainability and the respect of our natural resources is such a natural collaboration. We’re thrilled to be part of your prestigious event and look forward to a long and successful partnership building awareness and solutions for our environmental lifestyle,” said Debbie Levin, President, EMA.



Hollywood Host Committee 

Debbie Levin, President, EMA
Malin Akerman
Lance Bass
Ed Begley, Jr.
Frances Fisher
Jorja Fox
Leland Münter
Wendie Malick
David Margulies
Amy Smart & Carter Oosterhouse
John Quigley
Carla Shamberg
Amber Valletta
Zoe Lister-Jones & Daryl Wein

TX Host Committee 

Trammell S. Crow, Founder, EDTx
Heather & Scott Alexander
Cynthia & Brice Beaird
Tricia & Gil Besing
Brian Bolke
Garrett Boone
Diane & Stuart Bumpas
Melina & Michael Cain
Rhonda Sargent Chambers
Gary Cogill & Hayley Hamilton Cogill
Katherine & Key Coker
Rozalyn & Robert Colombo
Lisa & Clay Cooley
Tiffany & Paul Divis
Barb & Steve Durham
Gail & Cliff Fischer
Patti Flowers & Tom Swiley
Cara & Jim French
Joyce Goss
Christine & Peter Handy
Laree Hulshoff & Ben Fischer
Jennifer & Tom Karol
Maggie Kipp
Ann Marie Lardner
Muffin & John Lemak
Bobby Lyle
Alison & Mike Malone
Jack Matthews
Lynn & Allan McBee
Pat & Charles McEvoy
Leilani Münter
Carol & Scott Murray
Lisa & Bill Ogle
Mary Martha & John Pickens
Anne Reeder
Debbie & Ric Scripps
Carol Seay
Natalie & Michael Sorrell
Blake & Tom Stephenson
Jackie & Peter Stewart
John Sughrue & Marlene Fogarty Sughrue
Emily & Steve Summers
Vera & Bob Thornton
Kacy & Carter Tolleson
Maxine & Ben Trowbridge
Rachel & Chris Trowbridge
Chris & Jess Turner
Nikki & Crayton Webb
Ellen & Don Winspear
Lucy & Steve Wrubel
Piper & Mike Wyatt
Kimm & Shannon Wynne

Learn more about EMA at: www.green4ema.org